
Our goal in FCCkids Church and in our Children's Ministry is to love yours and every child as our own and to see our kids have a true passion for Jesus at a young age.  Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, we want to see our kids excel in their walk with Christ.  We want to see them hit God's mark. We not only want to teach them basic Bible stories, but also show them how to live it out.  We want these kids to learn the Bible while also having fun! Our hope is to raise them up with the experience of knowing who God is, not just some character they have heard about.  Your child is valuable to us.  Our goal is to teach these children good sound morals and to build a strong foundation in them at an early age.  It is our goal to get the word of God in them before the world has time to corrupt them.



 Our youth face challenges and attacks in  more ways than we can imagine.  We want them equipped for this battle by activating the power that lives inside of them. We want to guide them in understanding how the Holy Spirit communicates with them.  We believe that as difficult as it is, today's youth can lead a holy, pure life before Christ! This comes from a solid foundation built on the word of God!  As they learn who they are in Christ, they will be prepared to serve in whatever capacity they feel led!

FCC Youth


We realize that in our culture, by the time you've reached college/career age, you most likely already have a knowledge of and even a relationship with Christ.  Our prayer is that we can help those at one of the most stressful points in life to not only maintain but grow deeper into relationship with Jesus. "So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6-7..

Please join us in being "ROOTED!"


Warrior Missions is a missions/outreach ministry that gives people an opportunity to be the foot soldiers of Jesus, and we strive to reach people for His name's sake.  Each Summer, we partner with Moody Radio and Buckner International to serve as a drop-off point for the annual Shoes for Orphan Souls Shoe Drive.  We have also paid utility bills and helped with groceries as part of our local outreach ministry. In 2015, Warrior Missions raised enough money to fund the construction of a home in Reynosa, Mexico. From time to time we get calls from people struggling with addiction and seeking help. Warrior Missions arranges for these men/women to enter 12-month faith-based recovery programs. Our mission is to wage war on poverty and hopelessness!

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Our food pantry is open for operation throughout the week by appointment. To schedule an appointment, just call or text Mrs. Pam at 256.601.1916.  We do require that anyone needing food bring a current light bill or proof of residence for our records, but all food is free.  We operate solely off of donations, so all are welcome and tax-deductible! A donation table is set up in the foyer.